Beckman Auditorium
Events that take place in Beckman Auditorium are subject to provisions of the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) under Title III, Public Accommodations.
Accessibility to the stage is via a ramp from the house.
The auditorium is wheelchair accessible. There is a wheelchair platform on the West side of the auditorium in the back, as well as a few removable seats in other locations.
Assisted Listening Devices are available for use by hearing-impaired patrons.
Event sponsors are asked to provide a minimum of 10 large-type programs for the visually handicapped. The programs should conform to the following NAVH (National Association for the Visually Handicapped) standards:
- Maximum sheet size is 8 1/2" x 11" (a folded 11" x 17" sheet is acceptable)
- An off-white or natural vellum offset stock must be used to prevent glare
- Type size should not be smaller than 16 point-preferably an 18 point type should be maintained
- A sans serif or modified serif typeface is recommended. Helvetica, Century, or Garamond are examples of particularly good type faces